Pharmacist / Manager Conference Call
October 29, 2020 – 8:30 am
Take a few minutes and Huddle with your team over these notes.
MOULTRIE – Jessica: Moultrie has a patient who has been diagnosed with cancer and he showed signs of depression. Jessica started talking with him about fishing, and she mentioned she had a pond that he could fish in. One day he stopped by the store with his wife and followed Jessica home so he would know where he could fish.
GUS – A patient called him on Saturday about 11:00 after checking with the pharmacy and found that his medication had not been filled, even though he had received a phone call saying it was ready. His profile was not merged, so after checking with Valdosta, then Hahira, Gus realized the patient gets his medication from the Lake Park store. Gus called the patient who went to Lake Park and picked up enough medication for a three day supply. The patient called Gus back to thank him and to let him know that this was a perfect example of why he used Chancy Drugs (because we always go above and beyond).
Ken Craven is back with us as Delivery Driver for Hahira and Adel. Please welcome him back to the team.
Beginning on November 1, all CII returns must be sent back via Fed Ex. Please make sure your whole team knows about this return process. The information was sent to you under a separate email and is also linked here.
Several stores are filling out the pink slips – remember to send them in daily. This is for any patient who has questions about their Med D Plan. Click here for more info on what we're doing to help patients with Med D Open Enrollment.
Pharmacists, please fill in your PTO on the calendar for November and December. Please work on getting coverage for yourself, if you cannot, please contact the office.
Staff scheduling - be extremely careful about letting staff off on the same day. Sickness happens and if you have approved two off and someone calls in sick, you will be in a bad spot. Be careful with your approval.
Techs, if you are seeing a loss, you will need to dig deeper as all of our pricing in Pioneer is now fixed. This is a real loss and needs to be brought to your pharmacist attention. This month one location has had about 50 medication losses over $50 each. Remember if you have a substitute; do not put an order point on it.
We probably won’t be getting any more High Dose Flu shots in. Start calling your waiting list so these patients can get a quad flu shot so they will be covered. Remember it takes two weeks after the shot for the vaccine to work. Also remember to check GRITS to see what other shots are needed.
Pharmacists, pull up the cell phone policy and review it with your team. You are the one who needs to hold your employees accountable to this policy. The cell phone policy can be found in section 4.5 of the employee handbook.
The only thing allowed at work stations is a covered cup with a straw. No food is allowed at any stations. Please use the break room for eating. This needs to be addressed to the entire team.
Everyone at Chancy Drugs is a professional and needs to present themselves in this manner. Everyone must wear their name badge and Pharmacists must wear their white coats. Please let us know if a new name badge is needed and if you need to order a lab coat.
Our next conference call will be Thursday, November 5 at 8:30 am.