Pharmacist / Manager Conference Call
February 18, 2021 – 8:30 am
Take a few minutes and Huddle with your team over these notes.
Please lift Tan Hill’s family in prayer following the death of her husband.
ADEL – Henry: A patient transferred in from Walgreen’s a few months ago and we now have her on Ready Med. In looking at her last fill, Henry discovered that she was taking two very similar medications and brought it to her attention. She was reluctant to make any changes, but brought it to the attention of the PA on her next doctor visit. She called back to thank Henry. When filling RM patients we look at the whole profile, not just individual drugs so we can see any potential issues.
HAHIRA – Beth: We had a patient complaining about back issues and told Pam that she thought it was because she didn’t have a bed and was sleeping on the floor. Pam found the patient a bed and took it to her.
We are currently working on the second round of COVID Vaccines at the Hahira Depot and it has allowed conversation with patients on packaging. Several current patients and possible new patients have shown interest in packaging. Alert your team on the possibilities of these patients asking about our services. Welcome them and their questions.
Please give anyone with questions about the COVID vaccine our Chancy Drugs Website. They can sign up for the wait list. Some people have been on the list for two or three weeks already. If they call back, please let them know that we are waiting on vaccines and that as soon as we get a supply in we will be setting up a clinic, calling the names of the wait list first.
We are still only vaccinating those over 65, healthcare workers, front line responders and caregivers.
You have been doing a great job identifying patients for Ready Med. As Henry said earlier this gives us a great opportunity to look at their whole drug profile at one time, allowing for conversations that the patient would not get outside independent pharmacy. Everyone is doing a great job!
Hugh spoke with at least four patients over the past two days who are receiving extremely poor service from other pharmacies. Hugh told these patients that we would do the leg work if they wanted to transfer to Chancy Drugs. Please make your team aware of the new patient possibilities. Make them feel welcome.
Our next conference call will be Thursday, February 25 at 8:30 am.