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NEWS YOU NEED TO KNOW Conference Call Notes 12-10-20

December 10, 2020 – 8:30 am   

VALDOSTA – Candace:  A patient had a prescription for an injectable, but her copay was over $300.  Alyssa overheard the conversation and checked for a program to help her.  Alyssa filled out all the paperwork and got the copay to $0 for this  and all future fills. The patient said that now she can provide Christmas for her family.

VALDOSTA – Candace:  A car broke down in the drive thru this week. Thomas pushed the car out of the drive thru and helped the patient jump off their vehicle.

Gus, Kristen, and Kelsie will be out Thursday and Friday. If you have any questions or concerns, please direct them to Carin or Corey.  Your snapshot will be updated when Kelsie gets back to work.

Now that Open Enrollment is complete, we are focusing our team on dual eligible patients. We have touched over 500 patients during this enrollment time. Great job to our Med D Team!

With the holiday season upon us and sickness popping up at inconvenient times, it is very important to check your Pharmacist Calendar on a regular basis. There will be changes made.  It is time to update your January 2021 calendar. 

Jeff and Kristen have worked on the new Pioneer Inventory Procedure and it has been emailed to everyone. We will be reviewing the procedure one more time to make sure all steps are covered. All locations are completing their end- of-year inventory next week.  Pioneer has an app for iPhones that will help with inventory. Take time to follow directions to download this app.  It will be very helpful with your inventory.

Christmas is a wonderful opportunity for each store to give back to the community. Please let Carin know the family you have chosen to bless this year.  You may use $50 from your petty cash and the rest of your gift will come from your team members. 

We do have plenty High Dose Flu vaccines on hand for patients age 65 and older. Continue to ask all patients if they have received their flu shot, and encourage them to get one today. This vaccine cannot be sent back, so it must be used.

Our next conference call will be Thursday, December 17 at 8:30 am.